Paintball Nerd's Makin' Moves Interview with Todd & Tami Adamson

Paintball Nerd's Makin' Moves Interview with Todd & Tami Adamson. Todd has been playing paintball since 1986. He’s played his entire career as a pro. He started with Florida Annihilators, then founded Team Rage. From there he moved to the iconic Team Aftershock, and finished his X-Ball career with the Ironmen. He plays the 10-man mechanical leagues with Aftershock and All American's. Todd founded Extreme Rage and has 40+ pro wins. Tami has been playing for 23 years. She’s the founder of Femme Fatales. The Adamsons share with us their reasoning behind purchasing a pro spot, their intention to shake things up, and the rebranding of Columbus LVL.
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Host: Zyzek Barro
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